Sunday, April 30, 2006

Easter in San Clemente

041606_1547.jpg, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Easter at the White house.

Lauren at Easter

041606_1549.jpg, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Georgie, Loretta, Grace and Michelle

043006_1138.jpg, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

The girls enjoying the wonderful Redlands weather at Aunt Ann and Uncle Larry's home.

Mary's Confirmation

PIX01.jpg, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Mary and Ann at Easter

Ann-and-Mary-Easter, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Me, Lauren, William and Grace at Easter

Couch-at-Easter, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Mike, Paul Jim and Larry at Easter

Mike-Paul-Jim-and-Larry-at-, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

More Outside Fun at Easter

botchee-ball, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Easter on the Couch

couch-easter-2, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

David Enjoys Easter

david-easter, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Easter Outdoors

easter-outdoors, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Gerogie and Paul at Easter

gerogie-and-paul, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Easter Games Outside

trampoleen, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Ryan and Mom

041506_1811.jpg, originally uploaded by dahlenw.


041506_1810.jpg, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Missy Feeding Ryan

041506_1651.jpg, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

David Playing Podracer

040806_1811.jpg, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Keith Propose

Keith Propose, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

This is a picture of my friend Keith Proposing in the online game World of Warcraft. She said yes!

Sue's last day

040706_0903.jpg, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

This is Sue's reaction to her cube being decorated on her last day at work. We also had a huge potluck that was very filling and very good! Good Luck Sue!

Blurry Glenn Dancing

Fw:, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

A very bad picture (from a camera phone) of Glenn dancing the night away in Atlanta. I thought this was supposed to be a business trip.

Thank you hes here all week!

Fw:, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

A a much better picture of Glenn dancing the night away in Atlanta.

At the Bar

Fw:, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

The soon to be birthday boy at the bar in Atlanta.

Before Glenn Arrives

040706_0829.jpg, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Glenn's Reaction to his Cube

040706_0837.jpg, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Happy Birthday Glenn!

040706_0842.jpg, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

What a sport, he even put on the crown!

Birthday Boy in his Special Cap

040706_0842a.jpg, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

The Crown Reads: "Birthday Prince". Thanks for being a great sport Glenn!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


more_party, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Jonas, Isela and Javier

San Diego Zoo

who_let_them_out_of_cage, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Who let them out of their cage!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Kennedy Asleep at the Atlanta Airport

033006_1951.jpg, originally uploaded by dahlenw.