Monday, February 26, 2007

My Simcity

My Simcity, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

This is my latest addiction. I've been playing Sim City for a couple months now.

11 dead, 100 injured in kite flying festival

At least 11 people died and more than 100 people were injured at an annual spring festival in eastern Pakistan celebrated with the flying of thousands of colourful kites, officials said today.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

View from Keith's room

0221070855.jpg, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

North Atlanta at Night

0220072039.jpg, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Westin in North Atlanta

0219071724.jpg, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Microsoft warns users not to trust its calendar and appointment software

For three weeks this March and April, Microsoft Corp. warns that users of its calendar programs "should view any appointments ... as suspect until they communicate with all meeting invitees." It's a potential problem in any software that was programmed before a 2005 law decreed that daylight-saving time would start three weeks earlier this year

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Friday, February 02, 2007

Spring Comes Early this Year

Spring Comes Early this Year, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Punxsutawney Phil had good news for warmer weather-lovers on this Groundhog's Day. For just the 15th time since 1886, Phil did not see his shadow. According to legend, spring is just around the corner. "At Gobbler's Knob I see no shadow today. I predict early spring is on the way." (cheering) >> That's right... Punxsutawney Phil did *not* see his shadow today... so that means, according to folklore, spring is right around the corner. The last time Phil predicted an early spring was in 1999. He has seen his shadow 96 times since 1886.


HOWTO: Make A Low Impact Woodland Home (hobbit house)

"You are looking at pictures of our family home in Wales. It was built by myself and my father in law with help from passers by and visiting friends. 4 months after starting we were moved in and cosy. I estimate 1000-1500 man hours and £3000 put in to this point. Not really so much in house buying terms (roughly £60/sq m excluding labour)."


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